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First, we would like to thank you for selecting Green Planet Paints® for your painting needs, as well as for your health and our environment. Below are some helpful and important processes that need to be followed for using this product, (even for the paint professional) as our paints are not only high quality, durable, VOC free and long lasting, but very different from conventional and other “green” and latex paints on the market. You are about to experience a paint that seems to make your walls come to life. Please follow these few steps so that you can experience possibly the best painting you have ever spent money on or have seen. Thank you from the manufacturing staff of Go Green World Products, LLC.

Note: That although the paint label front may state interior; as noted on the back, our paints were developed for the exterior too. The paint can labels were originally designed for the alkyd interior paint, but we have advanced the technology to the point that it will work just as good on the exterior, and the products now have a working built in primer technology that actually works unlike the others. Also, due to the vast quantity of labels still in stock and in an effort to keep product pricing down, Go Green World Products, LLC has elected not to replace the labels, but rather use them until the stock is depleted by adding additional label corrections.

1.        If shipped from our home office to you the customer, please remove all containers from boxes and inspect the cans; verifying the contents received match your order and colors.

2.        If two or more gallons of paint containing the same base and color are to be used, it is highly recommended that you mix all the gallons together before you start painting. Like all other paints, this will alleviate any very slight color changes from taking place when applying. Colorant machines and can filling machines are not all that accurate and thus slight variances in color can occur between cans.

3.        Use the proper tools for application, high quality brushes and rollers are recommended but not required. Roller nap should be between 3/8” to 1” depending on the surface texture you are painting.

Note: DO NOT use a foam roller or brush pads to apply the paint as this will result in bubbling of the paint, leaving an inconsistent and translucent appearance or bubbling appearance and if used long enough, the foam will break down and end up in the paint. Use of a foam roller will also void the product warranty.

Note: For cleanup, wash brushes and/or rollers until completely free of all paint materials. If using the following day/s, we recommend that you place them in a closed plastic bag and set aside or better, place in a refrigerator. Check the following day, verify brush bristles and / or roller mat is soft and pliable. Due to the unique make up of this paint, the brush / roller may not have gotten cleaned enough and now may be hard and / or non-useable, in this situation it has been found that the use of a green or non-green mineral spirits can be used to rejuvenate these items, but they must be fully cleaned from the mineral spirits before using them in out paints.

4.        It has been found that using some high-end synthetic paint brushes, with this paint; you may experience issues with the clay bulking up in the brush/roller. In our experiences, we have found using a simple horse hair or varnish brush such as a “Master Finish brush” seems to avoid the issues that some synthetic brushes will have.

5.        We recommend that one use a good quality cotton or wool roller (but using a standard roller, you may end up throwing it away when the job is completed). Using a very high-quality roller may result in loss of a good roller which was made for oil/latex paints and not high clay paints with plant-based resins, especially if not totally cleaned.

6.        Be sure to adequately prepare the surface before application of paint.

a)        Holes, joint seams or any other repairs to the surface should be properly filled, sanded and textured to match existing surfaces, and should be evenly smoothed prior to applications.


Note: No paint is designed to cover or mask preparation and/or repair defects on the surface.

Note: All repairs should be allowed to fully dry, this normally takes 5 to 7 days, but longer in high humidity areas.

7.        All prepared (new and/or existing, patched or textured) surfaces require priming prior to paint application. As our primer technology is built in the paint, it just requires a different application than an entirely different paint. To use our paint for priming, you should apply the paint over the repairs and / or walls so that it is very thin, it should not be more than 2 mils thick and will more than likely be slightly translucent. This means to spread the paint out as far as you can and do not concern yourself with hide at this point, you are only trying to get a very thin coat on the substrate. Same for patch work too, just go over the patches (very thin). Allow the “paint/primer coat” to dry for 48 to 72 hours minimum before applying a regular coat of our paint. This time allows the paint and wall compounds to dry before a standard coat of paint is applied. This process is also helpful over conventional paints in preventing the over activation of any chemicals that are in the underlying coating.

a)        This is applicable to pre-painted surfaces where you are changing the color from say a dark color to a lite color. The primer technique will also help prevent the underlying paints pigments from bleeding through to the new top coat.

b)        Failure to apply the paint/primer as outlined above could result in an uneven, inconsistent or translucent appearance of the final application due to the new compounds. As well, it could take on a different color due to conventional paint pigment bleeding.

8.        High Gloss surfaces should be lightly scuffed sanded and paint/primed before applying a standard coat of paint. Refer to # 7 for primer application.

9.        All new construction requires priming, prior to application of the recommended two evenly and adequately applied coats of paint for proper coverage. Refer to #7 for priming.

Note: in some cases when using a pastel or some light mid-tone color paints, a paint/primer coat and standard coat may be all that is needed. It is best to wait 48 hours before deciding if you need additional coat.

10.      The application coverage of the paint should not exceed 350 to 400 square feet (SQFT) per gallon depending on which paint you are using. Ceiling white paint is between 350 and 380, wall paints (flat, velvet, egg-shell and satin) are between 380 and 400 respectively.

Note: this is for one coat of paint. For two coats, the SQFT is half.

11.      The manufacturer recommends that two (2) coats of paint be correctly applied for best results.

Note: For the first coat it does not matter if the paint is rolled, sprayed or brushed; nor does it matter the direction/s the paint is applied in. i.e. W, vertical line, horizontal line or other fashion. Only that it is even and has no drips or roller lines. The critical application is the final coat which should be rolled on in a W patterns or vertical up/down motion, or sprayed on in a side to side or up and down pattern; then back rolled in a vertical top to bottom motion. If sprayed, it is highly recommended you do the back roll on the finish while it is still wet. (SEE ITEM 17 BELOW)

12.      Cutting in using a brush. If you intend to use a brush to cut in corners or edges, we recommend the following action be performed.

a)        Do the cutting in prior to applying the first coat of paint via roller or spray gun.

b)        Repeat step 12a for the second coat.

Note: The cut in paint can be done all at once, then the paint applied after. It may take a day or two for the paint to be dry enough that you will not see any lap lines or picture framing.

13.      The paint can be thinned with drinking water for spray pump application, but this should not be required.

a)        Do not over thin the paint trying to compensate for SQFT issues as the paint will not be applied to the recommended mill thickness and may result in uneven, inconsistent or translucent appearance of the application and may leave spray marks at the outer two end of the spraying field.

14.      When spraying, the paint should be strained prior to spray application.

a)        Be sure the spray tip is clean; be sure the spray hose, filter and gun are free of any other materials or contaminants which may result in uneven spray or other defects to the paint / surface.

b)        Be sure not to exceed the 350 to 400 SQFT per gallon application as this could result in an uneven, inconsistent or translucent appearance of the application.

c)        Be sure to keep the spray tip wet and clean the tip with water at a minimum of 1 gallon of product sprayed intervals, this will keep the paint from forming on the tip resulting in an uneven spray on the wall.

d)         If spraying the ceiling white paint, make sure the sprayer pump is adequate for the job. The ceiling white paint is a very high solid paint and should not be thinned out more than 3 oz of drinking water per gallon for application.

15.      Back rolling is highly recommended when spraying to ensure a better touchup and appearance of the final coat.

a)        Back rolling should be done in the same direction, with a roller which has paint applied to it, and while the paint is still wet on the wall/s and not tacky.

b)        DO NOT apply a lot of pressure to the roller head during the back-roll process trying to extend the paint beyond the 350 to 400 SQFT per gallon application, this could result in an uneven, inconsistent or translucent appearance of the final application and may also leave roll marks.

16.      After applying the first coat or a paint/primer coat or you intend to take a break after painting. Do not place roller or brush in water to set over night without thoroughly cleaning the brush or roller of all paint.

a)        In order to prevent the paint from hardening on the brush or roller, you should wash them off as best possible, then place the used roller or brush into a plastic bag, twist and close the opening; then place the bag and roller/brush into an operating refrigerator. This will allow you to remove the roller/brush later and continue using them until the paint job is completed.

Note: The brush or roller can stay in the refrigerator for up to two (2) days and still be reusable.

Note: If the brush or roller become clogged or starts to harden due to room temperature exposure without being used, the roller or brush can be cleaned or softened using mineral-spirits or possibly by soaking them in a solution of dishwashing soap and water mix.

17.      Drying times may vary depending on location, weather conditions, temperature, humidity, structural design and air movement in the area of the painting.

a)        DO NOT recoat prior to the product drying. It is best to wait 24 to 48 hours between coats for best results. For the trim or a satin finish paint, it is recommended that you allow the paint to dry for 48 to 72 hours between coats. Failure to allow the paint time to dry will result in a flat/matt finish.

b)        DO NOT rub the painted surface or press against it, or lay items on it prior to the paint fully dried/cured.

Note: Drying times can be up to two days in very humid environments before the surface will feel dry. Full curing of the product could take up to 15 days. Do not wash newly painted surfaces for 30 to 45 days.

For further questions, concerns or other painting needs, please feel free to contact us at: Local: 602-944-4442 or Toll Free: 866-995-4442

We are currently working on videos that may be helpful in showing some of these processes. Keep checking out the web site for these future addition.